FAQ Fitness
What are the opening hours?
We are open from 06h30 to 21h30 during the week, and from 08h30 to 19h30 during the weekends.
What is a Fitness Assessment?
During a one hour individualized assessment the coach will:
- Take different measures (weight, body fat, muscle mass, blood pressure, etc.)
- Analyse your movement pattern in order to determine your current fitness level
- Discuss your health and fitness goals
Based on that information the coach can design a tailor- made program corresponding to your individual needs and objectives.
How does Personal Training work?
Personal Training is a one-on-one workout session focused exclusively on you and your goals. Your coach will create a tailor-made program for you and explain, demonstrate and correct every exercise during the session. The coach will regularly evaluate your progress and adapt the training session accordingly to guarantee you obtain the desired results in a safe and efficient manner. Personal Training is a great way to get results quick. Personal Training sessions can be booked individually or in packs of 10 or 20.
If I train by myself, can I still ask for advice?
Absolutely. Our qualified coaches are here to help you. There is always at least one person at the gym at any time during the day to help, guide and advice on your workout.
Can I use the Dojo or Zen studio to stretch or workout?
Yes, members can use the Dojo or Zen studio if there are no classes taking place.
If you are training with weights, please be mindful of the wooden floor. Use mats and put the weights down carefully.
The Zen studio is set up with tatamis offering an ideal space for practicing activities such as martial arts, yoga, meditation and other disciplines that require a soft and comfortable floor. The room is also equipped with a boxing bag to allow you to workout and release your energy.
Please make sure to clean all used equipment and leave the room just as you would like to see it upon your arrival.