Sportende vrouwen

FAQ Pool

FAQ Pool

What are the opening hours?

We are open from 07h15 to 21h30 on weekdays, and from 09h00 to 19h30 on weekends.

Do I need to book my swimming pool session?

Yes, you can book your spot via the High Five Connect app. You can also book your spot upon arrival at reception (upon availability).

Can I stay longer than my booking?

Yes, reservations are kept to give visibility on the pool occupancy. Schools and camps will be indicated.

How do I prepare for the pool visit?

Reserve your lane. Showering before entering the pool and wearing a swimming cap is mandatory.

Can I use pool accessories?

Yes, we are allowed to lend equipment.

Do I have to book in advance to use Sauna&Hammam ?

No, booking is not necessary in order to use Sauna&Hammam. Please note that swimming suit and towels are mandatory.