Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Article 1 Facility & Exploitation
NATO offers its employees the option to participate in various sports activities. High Five Health Promotion B.V. (High Five) offers this service and manages the facilities of the Sport Centre.
Article 2 Members
The following individuals can be members of the NATO Sport Centre and participate in the sports activities on offer:
a) all employees of NATO and National Delegations;
b) all employees of contractors within NATO;
c) NATO Sport and Cultural Clubs;
d) NATO Civilian and Military retirees;
e) Spouses/partners National Delegations who are members
f) Interns;
g) All employees of companies with a cooperative agreement with NATO.
Note: Children 12 years old and younger should be accompanied at all times by a supervising adult.
Article 3 Registration
Registration for participation in sports activities is carried out digitally in High Five Connect. Every participant receives a personal account in High Five Connect. In the High Five Connect App, members have insight into test data, invoices, direct debit authorisations, workout programmes, reservations and the schedule. Members can register via https://natosportcentre.highfive.fit. High Five works in conformance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). During registration a new member is explicitly asked to approve the processing of personal details and to agree with the Health Commitment Statement and regulations.
Article 4 Start of participation
Before the member commences his/her first sports activity, High Five will give him/her the opportunity to first take part in a fitness assessment. Except for serious physical limitations shared by the member with a High Five employee in compliance with the Health Commitment Statement, participation in sport activities can start immediately.
Article 5 Reporting injuries
If a member is aware of an injury or other wound, he/she must report this to the High Five staff prior to the workout in compliance with the Health Commitment Statement.
Article 6 Liability
Participation in the High Five activities is done entirely at the member’s own risk. NATO or High Five can in no way be held liable for damage of a material, personal or other nature, for losses or theft, unless this is the result of malfunctioning equipment due to improper supervision of the maintenance of the equipment or improper supervision of safety at the Sports Centre.
Article 7 Reporting defects and malfunctions
If a member notices that equipment is not functioning properly, he/she will report this to the High Five staff immediately.
Article 8 Hygiene
The use of a towel while working out is required. Every member must follow all health and safety instructions in the facility, to include disinfecting, cleaning, and returning equipment and materials after use. Every member must wear clean, tidy workout clothes and must wear indoor shoes when using the indoor facilities. We recommend the use of bath slippers in the wet areas. We strongly ask that all rooms be left clean and tidy and that no personal belongings be left behind after opening hours. High Five shall have the right to remove items that are left behind from the rooms and lockers.
Article 9 Food and drinks
It is prohibited to eat in the workout areas. Chewing gum is prohibited during workouts. Drinking in the workout areas is only permitted from your own sports bottle.
Article 10 Opening hours
During opening hours all members can make unlimited use of the sports facilities. The opening hours and activities are listed in the overview of bookable lessons on the personal page in High Five Connect and on https://natosportcentre.highfive.fit/. During holiday periods an alternative schedule may be implemented. Members can register for participation in group lessons and other activities via High Five Connect. When they are unable to attend, we ask that members cancel the reservation no later than four hour prior to the lesson to enable other members to take part in the group lesson or activity.
Article 11 Schedule changes
With the consent of NATO, High Five can make schedule changes.
Article 12 Payment of membership fees
All members must pay a membership fee to use the Sport Centre facilities. The membership fee shall be paid in advance. The standard payment method for both memberships and services (e.g. for personal training) is direct debit, with a signed direct debit mandate required prior to participation. All memberships are automatically renewed on the next day following the end of the previous membership (Basic membership and group class memberships). As alternative, NAR (Not Automatically Renewed) membership can be subscribed to, with a fixed end date.
An increase in membership fees will be announced at least 4 weeks in advance. When an adjustment in membership fees takes place, members have the right to cancel their membership within 4 weeks after notification. The NATO Staff Centre will be closed from the end of December until the beginning of January of each year. The exact period will be communicated each year. No refund or extension of the period of membership can be requested for this reason.
In the unlikely event of an exceptional closing of NATO Staff Centre, no refund or extension of subscription can be requested for this reason.
Article 13 Renewal & Cancellation
All contracts are signed for a 1, 6, 3 or 12-month period, during which time they cannot be cancelled. At the end of the contract period, the membership is automatically renewed for a similar duration unless the Member sends a cancellation notice via email to receptionnatosportcentre@highfive.fit at the latest two weeks before the end of the contract period.
If a member chooses to cancel the renewal of their membership and wishes to re-enrol within the next month, the member will be required to pay for the interim period of time. In other words: members are required to wait at least one month between subscription periods.
An exceptional cancellation of membership is granted if the member permanently leaves the country or if the employee stops working for NATO. An official document will need to be provided as evidence, in which case, a pro rata share of the membership subscription will be reimbursed.
Article 14 Complaints and/or suggestions for improvements
If a member has complaints and/or suggestions for improvements, these can be reported to the High Five staff on site or the Morale, Welfare & Recreation Officer from NATO. Complaints and suggestions can also be submitted through the website: https://www.highfive.fit/en/suggestion-or-complaint.
Article 15 Photo and videos
Taking photos and making video recordings on the NATO HQ site are not permitted without written permission from the communication department of High Five and NATO.
Article 16 Applicability and Modification of Terms & Conditions
These Terms & Conditions form a part of the contract between members and High Five. All members shall be deemed to have taken note of the contents of these Terms & Conditions. The current Terms & Conditions can be viewed at any time on the personal page https://natosportcentre.highfive.fit/terms-and-conditions. High Five, with the agreement of NATO, reserves the right to modify these Terms & Conditions at any time and any changes will be circulated to members.
Article 17 Facility Rules
Every member shall be deemed to have taken note of the Facility Rules. Facility Rules are available on the High Five website, at the Reception Desk, and posted on signage throughout the building. High Five with the agreement of NATO reserves the right to modify the Facility Rules at any time.
Article 18 Unforeseen circumstances
In cases not provided for in these Terms & Conditions, a decision shall be taken by High Five in communication with NATO’s Morale Welfare & Recreation Officer.